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Michael Swengel
Mac O’Clock
I’ve been using Windows 11 since the end of 2022, long enough to get well acquainted with its improvements, quirks and… issues. Coming up on two years after its launch date, Windows 11 is a mixed bag in my mind. It has a lot going for it, but there is just no shortage of missteps and stupid decisions in this release that leave me scratching my head.
The thing is, Windows is Windows. I want to like it. It’s the main competitor for macOS, and it’s what you’ll be using on nearly any non-Apple computer you buy today — unless you install Linux or another OS of choice, of course. But there are a few things that are just plain frustrating about the OS.
I know you want us to use Microsoft accounts, Microsoft, but we don’t want them. If we did, there wouldn’t be so many of us actively working to avoid being forced to sing in to Windows 11 with one.
Look, I get that there are advantages to signing in to Windows with a Microsoft account, and for some people that may be the right choice. But it should be our choice — not something that’s forced.
Apple, for all of its faults and issues, at least makes it optional to set up a Mac with an Apple ID. Sure, they want us to use Apple accounts, but we have the choice to not do so if desired. I wish Microsoft gave us that freedom.
But in a day when more value is placed on data and analytics than user privacy, this move isn’t surprising in the least. Microsoft wants to force us to use their services to collect as much data about us as possible, and in my mind that’s not okay. Expected, but not okay.
In Windows 10, I loved two things about the taskbar:
Mac O’Clock
Geek. Entrepreneur. Writes about tech and side hustles. |
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