Microsoft Windows Gets More Love From Git – WIRED
Microsoft Windows Gets More Love From Git WIREDsource
Microsoft Windows Gets More Love From Git WIREDsource
AdvertisementSupported byBooksBy John MarkoffIn a speech given just a few weeks before he was lost at sea off the California coast in January 2007, Jim Gray, a database software pioneer and a Microsoft researcher, sketched out an argument that computing…
Are you ready to bring more awareness to your brand? Consider becoming a sponsor for The AI Impact Tour. Learn more about the opportunities here. Updated Friday with clarification that Sacks’ memo was a Yammer message, not an email.Today Yammer…
AdvertisementSupported byBy Steve Lohr and James KanterOracle’s battle with European regulators over its acquisition of Sun Microsystems boils down to a conflict about the importance of free software and the government’s role in protecting it.The verbal salvos heated up this…
Microsoft Office 2013 Is the Most Requested App on CrossOver for Linux and Mac Softpediasource
By Mitchell ClarkIf you buy something from a Verge link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement.Microsoft is encouraging developers to start using Microsoft Store Ads, which allow people and companies to boost their app’s placement in…
Penn State launches free Microsoft IT Academy for eLearning, certification Pennsylvania State Universitysource
Welcome to the May 2023 edition of What’s New in Teams! This month featured a ton of great announcements from Microsoft Build 2023. Be sure to catch-up on all the great features that were revealed to make Microsoft and Microsoft…