Microsoft partners with Narrative Science to bring natural language narratives in Power BI – MSPoweruser

Microsoft partners with Narrative Science to bring natural language narratives in Power BI – MSPoweruser

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Updated April 26th, 2016
Published April 26th, 2016
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Power BI Narrative Science
Microsoft today announced their collaboration with Narrative Science to bring Narratives for Power BI. Narratives automatically communicates insights from all connected Power BI data sources in natural language.
As you interact with your data and visualizations, Narratives for Power BI dynamically delivers insights in narrative form, just like what you’d expect an analyst would write. These narratives help more users to interpret data and visualizations in a more natural way and provide real-time results of analysis you can immediately share with others.
Your reports can automatically include intelligent narratives generated by Quill:
Narratives for Power BI supports Power BI and the upcoming April 2016 release of Power BI Desktop. To try out Narratives for Power BI yourself, download the custom visual.
More about the topics: Custom Reports, microsoft, Narrative Science, Natural language, PowerBI, reports
Pradeep Viswav Shield
Software and Services Expert
Pradeep is a technical manager at a large tech company and a seasoned technology blogger. He reports on software, hardware, industry trends, and more.
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