Microsoft delivers Power BI mobile app for iPad – ZDNet

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Microsoft has made available in public preview form a bunch of new Power BI features, as well as a preview of a new mobile Power BI app for iPad.
The Power BI app for iPad preview , which Microsoft officials said is available in the Apple App Store for download (but which I haven't been able to find myself) allows users to access their Power BI dashboards, get alerts about key changes to their data and to share and collaborate with colleagues, according to Microsoft execs.
Update: A Microsoft spokesperson said the iPad Power BI app should be in the Apple App Store later today, December 19. It also will be available for download from this Microsoft Power BI site.
Microsoft execs said in a December 18 blog post that Microsoft is working on "a wave of native mobile apps for Power BI" that will work on iPad, iPhone and Windows tablets. The iPad app is the first of those mobile apps.
On the public preview list, according to Microsoft:
In other data platform news, Microsoft recently made available a new preview version of its Azure SQL database-as-a-service. The updated preview added near-complete SQL Server engine compatibility, including support for larger databases with online indexing and parallel queries, among other features.


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