In previous articles here at Experts Exchange, I explained how to install Microsoft Office Picture Manager 2010 with Office 2013 and Office 2016/365. This was necessitated by Microsoft’s removal of Picture Manager from the Office 2013 and Office 2016 suites (and, of course, Office 365). It had been included in Office 2003, Office 2007, and Office 2010, but with its departure since 2010, we certainly did not expect it to re-emerge in Office 2019 — we can now confirm that it did not!
If you went straight from Office 2010 (or earlier) to Office 2019, you may be surprised and disappointed to find that Picture Manager is not included in the suite. This article explains how to install it alongside Office 2019.
As mentioned in my previous articles, Picture Manager is a component of SharePoint Designer 2010, which is available as a free download at the Microsoft site:
The 32-bit/64-bit distinction refers to the bit-level of your Office applications, not the bit-level of your Windows. For this article (and all the screenshots in it), I used a Windows 10 Pro 32-bit system with 32-bit Office Professional Plus 2019 that contains these apps (sadly, no Picture Manager):
After downloading the correct bit-level of SharePoint Designer 2010 for your Office environment, run its setup file. You will see the license agreement, which I recommend reading in its entirety, but the key term is this:
1. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. You may install and use any number of copies of the software on your devices.
Acceptance of the license agreement will result in a legal installation of Picture Manager, i.e., one that is in license compliance.
Continue with the setup wizard and you’ll see this:
Click the Customize button, NOT the Install Now button. Then, in the Installation Options tab, click the drop-down arrow in all three main areas under Microsoft Office and select Not Available:
After selecting Not Available in all three main sections (Microsoft SharePoint Designer, Office Shared Features, Office Tools), you will see this:
Next, expand Office Tools by clicking the plus sign and you will see Microsoft Office Picture Manager. This is the only component that you need to install. Click the drop-down arrow next to Microsoft Office Picture Manager and pick Run from My Computer, which causes the red X to disappear. Then click the Install Now button:
The installer will run and you will receive the installation completed dialog:
Here’s what my Windows 10 Start menu looked like right after installing Office Professional Plus 2019:
Here’s what it looked like right after installing Picture Manager2010:
Microsoft Office Picture Manager 2010 works well alongside the Office 2019 applications:
The main purpose of this article is to show that Picture Manager 2010 can work on the same computer with Office 2019 (and to explain how to achieve that). However, it’s worthwhile to note that the method in this article does not rely on having Office 2019 — or any version of Microsoft Office — installed. So, for example, if you have another office suite, such as LibreOffice or OpenOffice, but still wish to have Picture Manager, this technique works fine. In fact, it works with no office suite installed.
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