Doing Business with Appropriate

"By utilizing cloud technology, you can implement new ways of working as follows: Working More Productive, Save, Sync, and Share Content, Better Decision Making "

Scenario optimization of business activity at your company.


What is the Office 365?

Office 365 is a productivity service from Microsoft that provides all the components of IT as a complementary and supporting your business.


By utilizing cloud technology, you can implement new ways of working as follows:

Working More Productive

Bekerja Lebih ProduktifWith Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) That can be installed up to 5pc / Mac and 5 Tablet, you are no longer dependent on one computer only. You can still work with any device, anywhere and anytime.


Save, Sync, and Share Content

Simpan Sinkronisasi dan Berbagi KontenUse onedrive for Business service for storing all your business documents in the cloud and access them from anywhere. You can also share with colleagues, a secure way of data leakage.


Better Decision Making

Pengambilan Keputusan Lebih Baik dengan Excel Power BISimply click and drag, you can make the gist of the numeric data (pivot) easily in Excel. Additionally, take advantage of online real time maps to display information such as “National Sales Amount”, or “Total National Production” with more attractive and easy to understand. All this thanks to the new Excel features, Power BI.


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