Month: March 2020

  • Using Microsoft Teams to implement Remote Learning

    Using Microsoft Teams to implement Remote Learning

    With the coronavirus pandemic only just getting started, it is increasingly likely that educational institutions will be closed for expended periods.Many schools and universities are turning to remote learning, and one tool ready-made for the job is Microsoft Teams for Education. Microsoft Teams is a digital hub that brings conversations, content, assignments, and apps together…

  • You have a problem using Microsoft 365? Contact Us!

    You have a problem using Microsoft 365? Contact Us!

    For questions about other things friends can contact Tel-U Crew through the Official Account Line @102nyiip or via Instagram @ucrewtelkomUntuk pertanyaan mengenai hal lainnya teman-teman bisa menghubungi Tel-U Crew melalui Official Account Line @102nyiip ataupun melalui Instagram @ucrewtelkom